How Does AutoShares Work?

Partner With Us

We are seeking to a partner with a local Dial-a-Ride scheme for us to test our car usage tracker. This isn't yet commericial for us and you would be helping us to get the product/service ready for future paying customers, but it should be mutually benefical (and free for you!).


The benefit for you is that volunteers will more easily and more readily be accurately compensated for the invaluable service they offer. We have the technical means to automatically generate the Self-Assessment returns for volunteers to submit come tax season.


Other groups that are also required to keep accurate records of completed 'business miles'  e.g. mobile care workers may also benefit from joining our partners' pilot scheme.


If you know someone that is either a Dial-a-Ride Volunteer or Care Worker mention to them, especially current public transport users!


Visit the contact page to ask about our 'Mileage tracker for accurate Tax relief' pilot.

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